
Showing posts from October 3, 2018

Ratio. Number of sheeps and chickens

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 3 down vote favorite At a farm, the ratio of the number of chickens to the number of sheep was 5:2. After the farmer sold 15 chickens, there was an equal number of chickens and sheep. How many chickens and sheep were there at the farm in the end? My work: Number of chickens = C Number of Sheep = S *We know (C/S) = (5/2) *We know that the farmer sold 15 chickens and then had equal number of both animals. So C - 15 = S Then I plugged C - 15 = S into (C/S) = (5/2) So I got C = 25. ( So I'm guessing there where 25 chickens before? ) Since we know that there were 25 chickens before, I pluged C = 25 into C - 15 = S So 25 - 15 = S So, we know that there are 10 Chickens and 10 Sheep . So the answer should be 20 total ? If I'm correct, is there a better way to do this? word-problem ratio share | cite | improve this question asked 2 hours ago RukaiPlusPlus 28 3 ... or you could do $frac CS = frac