
Showing posts from October 16, 2018

What is the probablity of the following occuring

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 4 down vote favorite Let's say you are at a table with 5 others. Everyone is seated random around a 6 person table. you only know 1 person at this party. beginenumerate item What is the likelyhood you sat next to individual that you know. item What is the likelyhood you are sat opposite to this person that you know. item What is the likelyhood that you sat next to two strangers. endenumerate So if the table is 6 people and you sat anywhere then there $5$ chairs left over. Since your friend can be seated on either side of you then that leaves 3 chairs. So would it be 2/6 or 1/3? probability share | cite | improve this question edited 10 mins ago Naveen Gupta 30 2 asked 1 hour ago fsdff 136 3 Which question is your working for? Question 3? – Parcly Taxel 1 hour ago ?? 2/6 is 1/3. – Gerry Myerson 1 hour ago all of them. the one i was working on was

Conjunction Reduction British English vs American English

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP .everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0; up vote 2 down vote favorite I am finding there is a difference in what is acceptable between American and British English. I posted this question on Facebook: "Grammar friends, I need your help! Is omitting the pronoun the second time it appears in a sentence acceptable? (I learned American English, not British English, and that is possibly where this debate is stemming from.) Example One: "I am your friend and am seeking your help." Versus "I am your friend and I am seeking your help." Example Two: "I need your help so am asking for your assistance." Versus: "I need your help so I am asking for your assistance."" Can anyone provide clarity to this? My American friends say both are acceptable and my British friends say the second option in both examples is the only acceptable answer. Thank you in adva