
Showing posts from October 6, 2018

Understanding a non-autonomous ODE

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 2 down vote favorite 1 Consider $x'(t) = a(t)x$ a) Find a formula involving integrals for the solution of this system. b) Prove that your formula gives the general solution of this system. I am new to ODE's and we have gone over integrating the system... $x'/x = a(t)$ in order to attempt to isolate x in terms of $t$ . I thus get $log(x) = 0.5at^2+C ; text(a constant)$ , which yields $x(t) = e^(.5at^2+C)$ , not sure if I'm right here. I'm also not sure why it says "involving integrals," making it sound like the solution needs integral signs in it? For part b, I have no idea how to even start it, not sure what I need to show. Any help appreciated! differential-equations share | cite | improve this question edited 2 hours ago Robert Lewis 39.8k 2 24 59 asked 3 hours ago MathGuyForLife 41 4 1 The right hand side is wrong. $a(t)$ is a function of $t$, so it

understanding the shape of the distribution of a random variable

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP .everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0; up vote 1 down vote favorite what plots can I draw to understand the shape of the distribution of a random variable? I do know that histograms can be plotted to do the above. but can box plot and violin plot be plotted as well to help me understand the shape of the distribution? descriptive-statistics share | cite | improve this question asked 1 hour ago Mechen 11 1 New contributor Mechen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering. Check out our Code of Conduct. It seems you have a sample from a distribution. The two answers you have already are good for studying the sample If you know the 'family' of the population distribution, and a reasonably large sample, you could get useful estimates of the population parameters and perhaps come clo