
Showing posts from October 24, 2018

Cannot change login screen background in 18.10

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 2 down vote favorite 1 I changed both the desktop and login screen background photos. However,only desktop photo is changed. The one on the login screen is still the purple Ubuntu one. Is this a bug? login-screen background 18.10 share | improve this question asked 5 hours ago lovedrinking 41 5 How did you change login screen? Are you sure it's not lock screen background you changed? – PRATAP 5 hours ago Setting->background. What is the difference between lock and lock-in screen? When you lock the computer, you need to go to login screen to enter the password. Shouldn’t they be th same? – lovedrinking 5 hours ago no, both are different. the one you are changing is lock screen wall paper. login screen background can be changed by editing gdm3.css file. i will put it in answer. what is your screen resolution? have you chosen your prefered background file

Symbol for non-squares notsquare looks awful

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 4 down vote favorite I have trouble getting a nice symbol for the set of non-squares. I would like to have a crossed out square, but the $notsquare$ command does not place the line at the right place. Using the package centernot it gets a little better usepackagecenternot $centernotsquare$ Now the line is at the right place but it is not as symmetric as it should be: the line comes only just up to the top side of the square. Any ideas? symbols share | improve this question asked 3 hours ago Choky 21 1 New contributor Choky is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering. Check out our Code of Conduct. add a comment  |  up vote 4 down vote favorite I have trouble getting a nice symbol for the set of non-squares. I would like to have a crossed out square, but the $notsquare$ command does not place the line at the right place