
Showing posts from September, 2018

Selecting parts of algebraic expressions?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 1 down vote favorite (a1 q1^2 + b1 p1^2 + c1 q1 + d1 p1 + e1) E^(a2 q1^2 + b2 p1^2 + c2 q1 + d2 p1 + e2) Is there a command to select factor polynomial (a1 q1^2 + b1 p1^2 + +c1 q1 + d1 p1 + e1) and exponent of E (a2 q1^2 + b2 p1^2 + c2 q1 + d2 p1 + e2) from the top expression? algebraic-manipulation share | improve this question edited 1 min ago kglr 162k 8 188 387 asked 52 mins ago Chandan Sharma 59 5 add a comment  |  up vote 1 down vote favorite (a1 q1^2 + b1 p1^2 + c1 q1 + d1 p1 + e1) E^(a2 q1^2 + b2 p1^2 + c2 q1 + d2 p1 + e2) Is there a command to select factor polynomial (a1 q1^2 + b1 p1^2 + +c1 q1 + d1 p1 + e1) and exponent of E (a2 q1^2 + b2 p1^2 + c2 q1 + d2 p1 + e2) from the top expression? algebraic-manipulation share | improve this question edited 1 min ago kglr 162k 8 188 387 asked 52 mins ago Chandan Sharma 59 5

Getting AttributeError from ArcPy?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP .everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0; up vote 1 down vote favorite I'm working on a simple Python code to make a raster from a shapefile using the Natural Neighbors tool, and then use the resulting raster to generate a contour using the Contour tool. I keep getting an Attribute Error saying the module has no attribute. The following is my code: import arcpy arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True # Variable Definitions in_point_features = "C:\GIS\PythonProgramming\Lesson3\Lesson3_Data\WellsSubset.shp" z_field = "TD" out_polyline_features = "C:\GIS\PythonProgramming\Lesson3\Lesson3_Data\ContourOut.shp" # Generate raster from WellsSubset shapefile using Natural Neighbor interpolation raster = arcpy.NaturalNeighbor (in_point_features, z_field) # Use Contour tool with 1500 as contour interval on the raster arcpy.Contour (raster, out_polyline_features, 1500) The foll