
Showing posts from September 5, 2018

Why does PRC devalue its currency on purpose, but Turkey is worried about the devaluation of its currency?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 38 down vote favorite 4 PRC regularly devalues its currency to promote export. On the other hand, Turkey is worried about the plummet of its currency. Why two outcomes in the same type of case? china turkey currency share | improve this question edited Aug 14 at 20:09 phoog 2,564 1 10 20 asked Aug 14 at 19:50 anonymous 1,288 2 10 26 3 @grovkin There are other (related) factor e.g. one exports more than it imports, the other doesn't. Should an answer here target the political, rather than economic reasons, or would this be more appropriate on economics.SE? – origimbo Aug 14 at 21:25 3 @origimbo: I think it's an ok question here since in both cases the changes get the politicians talking (quite a bit). China was often accused [by US politicians] of manipulating its currency; Erdogan declared the lira was under some kind of foreign assault etc. Also in in both cou