
Showing posts from September 10, 2018

What are the limitations of the 'circumstance' I can choose to trigger the Contingency spell?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP .everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0; up vote 11 down vote favorite 1 The contingency spell description states: Instead, it takes effect when a certain circumstance occurs. You describe that circumstance when you cast the two spells. There is nothing written that requires the circumstance is perceivable, in contrast with how you can Ready an action. It also does not limit the distance. It also does not limit the details you could come up with (since 10 minutes is pretty long time). Possible scenario on my mind: When the King Leo XIII died. I wouldn't have known since I'm so far away, but when the Message cantrip takes effect, whispering my previous Message, now I know he is dead. I've just realized that this spell is insanely powerful and can be abused if not properly limited. What are the limitations, anyway? dnd-5e spells share | improve this question edited S

Would a C compiler for the Apollo Guidance Computer be plausible?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 20 down vote favorite 4 The Apollo Guidance Computer was used to control the command/service module and lunar module on the missions to the moon. (Definitely a retrocomputer!) As noted in this answer, programs were written in assembly language. There are several emulators available today, including one which can be run in a web browser. Even though the AGC was invented before the C programming language, is a C compiler possible for this architecture? If not, why? For the purposes of this question, a satisfactory compiler would support all of the C operators (including arithmetic, boolean, structure, and pointer) the original purpose of the AGC: notably, real-time signal processing and control . It does not have to be a lunar mission; the AGC was also used in a Navy rescue submarine and in the first airplane with computer fly-by-wire control. Less important but nice to have: Originally I included structure and pointer operations as a