
Showing posts from September 7, 2018

Looking for a word

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 7 down vote favorite I'm looking for a word. Use all the skills listed on the tags. do hold you hand under knee wonders lips honey jam lingers inside right vast unique light just outside alone like universe don't know might practise climbing life word cipher knowledge share | improve this question edited Aug 23 at 14:35 xhienne 2,845 5 26 asked Aug 23 at 12:22 jwi 457 14 Not sure the "riddle" tag applies here, so I'm removing it. Feel free to re-add it if I'm wrong. OTOH I've added the "word" tag. – xhienne Aug 23 at 14:34 add a comment  |  up vote 7 down vote favorite I'm looking for a word. Use all the skills listed on the tags. do hold you hand under knee wonders lips honey jam lingers inside right vast unique light just outside alone like universe don't know might practise climbing life

Won't Indesign Multiply Blending Option work on objects with the same color?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 3 down vote favorite 1 Multiply Blending Option is applied to all of these objects. in Fig.A each object has different colors. And in Fig. B, those are all the same color. You can see that in Fig. B the multiply option doesn't take any effects. My question, is this a normal thing Indesign does? Or is this some kind of a bug? Thanks beforehand. adobe-indesign color share | improve this question asked Aug 23 at 10:24 Chen 20 4 add a comment  |  up vote 3 down vote favorite 1 Multiply Blending Option is applied to all of these objects. in Fig.A each object has different colors. And in Fig. B, those are all the same color. You can see that in Fig. B the multiply option doesn't take any effects. My question, is this a normal thing Indesign does? Or is this some kind of a bug? Thanks beforehand. adobe-indesign color share | improve this question asked Aug 23 at 10:24 C