
Showing posts from October, 2018

FME geometry conversion from string?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 2 down vote favorite I have an xlsx file that has incorrect X, Y location. Essentially the false northing is out 5000000 and there's no decimal point. As you can see in the image below the current file format is on the left and format I need it in is on the right. I can use the following FMW workflow to get the correct coordinates and export to xlsx without issue. However, when I try to reproject the coordinates within the same workflow I can't get it to work? This is what I'm trying to do When I open up the exported xlsx I get the same coordinates? (like no reprojection has happened?) Any ideas what I'm missing? (on a side note, if I open up the exported xlsx file in a new workbench and run the reprojector it works perfectly) geometry fme excel geometry-conversion string share | improve this question edited 7 hours ago Vince 14.2k 3 24 45 asked 8 hours ago user2803487 11 1 New