
Showing posts from October 15, 2018

Just One Line! Really?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 3 down vote favorite Add ONLY ONE (does not have to be straight) line to make the equation below true EQUATION : $5$ $+$ $5$ $+$ $5$ $=$ $555$ If you think this is not possible, then please give your reason! Note : Crossing the equal sign is not allowed This is not a duplicate of $5$ $+$ $5$ $+$ $5$ $=$ $550$ mathematics share | improve this question edited 1 hour ago asked 2 hours ago Kevin L 2,175 4 36 Are you sure you didn't mean "= 550"? – Alconja 2 hours ago Nope, this is a new one :D @Alconja – Kevin L 2 hours ago Does the line need to be perfectly straight like it did in the 550 question? – Arpeyji 1 hour ago @Arpeyji no it doesn't – Kevin L 1 hour ago add a comment  |  up vote 3 down vote favorite Add ONLY ONE (does not have to be straight) line to make th