
Showing posts from September 9, 2018

How to get the following table?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 2 down vote favorite 2 I want to make this table: Whereas, I get this one: Any suggestions for the code I wrote below? begincenter begintabular & $A$ & NOT $A$ & SUM\ hline $B$ & $P(A$ AND$,B)$ & $P($NOT $A$ AND$,B)$ & $P(B)$\ NOT $B$ &$P(A,$NOT$,B)$ &$P($NOT $A,$AND NOT$,B)$ & $P($NOT $B)$ \ hline & $P(A)$ & $P($NOT $A)$& $1$\ hline endtabular endcenter tables share | improve this question edited Aug 30 at 0:10 asked Aug 30 at 0:04 Leyla Alkan 120 6 Welcome to TeX.SE! Can the text font not be the same? – manooooh Aug 30 at 1:08 add a comment  |  up vote 2 down vote favorite 2 I want to make this table: Whereas, I get this one: Any suggestions for the code I wrote below? begincenter begintabular & $A$ & NOT $A$ & SUM\ hline $B$ & $P(A$ AND$,B)$ & $P($NOT $A$ AND$,B)$ & $P(B)$\ NOT $B$ &a