
Showing posts from September 13, 2018

What does “process accounting” means in Linux?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 3 down vote favorite I'm working with Docker in action 's book, and I have seen the term "process accounting" several times. I am in a containerization of the application context. I would like to know more about this concept of process accounting. Google found me some finance accounting articles; I am looking for the meaning related to computer systems. Would you please provide some explanation about this concept? linux container terminology share | improve this question edited 8 mins ago Goro 1,821 4 17 44 asked 7 hours ago Webman 142 7 New contributor Webman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering. Check out our Code of Conduct. 4 You mean process accounting , please see below. – Goro 6 hours ago add a comment  |  up vote 3 down vote favorite I'm working with

I was in … for x years

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP .everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0; up vote 2 down vote favorite "I have been in America for 10 years" indicates that the speaker is still currently in America. But what if you are not in America anymore and you want to express that you have spent 10 years living in America? Can you say: I had been in America for 10 years. I was in America for 10 years. Or are there any other ways to express the same idea? tense share | improve this question asked 2 hours ago Tom Lee 462 5 14 3 I think you would say it like this: I lived in America for 10 years. You don't need all that fancy verb-tense joggling. – Michael Rybkin 1 hour ago 2 @Michael Rybkin Absolutely right on! There are times when complex tense forms have to be used, but don't use them unless you absolutely have to. If you can say something using simple verb ten